The word of the week is ‘kingdom’.
We talked about how this word can have two meanings: a country ruled by a king or queen, or heaven, God’s kingdom. Today, we looked at the second definition.
We heard the Parable of the Lost Sheep. You can watch an animation of it here: The Lost Sheep

We learnt that Jesus always looked for those who had strayed from God in order to get them back into the fold.
We are all children of God – his ‘flock’. We should look out for those who are ‘lost’. We talked about how this could be someone who has done something wrong, or doesn’t feel welcome in God’s kingdom.

We learnt that God’s kingdom is for everyone and we should help others to see this – and that is your mission this week.
Let us know in the comments how you got on.
Year 4 led a beautiful liturgy this week centred around ‘kingdom’. We sang Come and see and My lighthouse.
The children reflected on the word by writing what it meant to them on a piece of paper.
They then thought about how they could look after God’s /kingdom in a Q&A.
-we could pick up litter
-we could be kind to others
-we could respect he environment
-we could spread God’s word
Year 2 talked about how we could pray for people to know Jesus and God’s Kingdom like we do. We also said said we could show them God’s Kingdom in how we behave, following in Jesus’s footsteps.
This week, year 3 have completed this weeks mission of showing someone that they are welcome in the kingdom of heaven. To complete this mission, they all welcomed someone new into their game in the playground. This allowed the children to show compassion to each other.
In Year 6 this week we have reflected on the Parable of the Lost Sheep and thought about how we can be like the Shepard, welcoming people when they feel left out. We have achieved this by playing with different people, comforting them them when they felt sad and treating everyone equally. We also thought about the times we have been the lost sheep and have felt left out or have turned away from God or our friends. We said we should always make an effort to return and ask for forgiveness. This links to our learning about the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
EYFS discussed how as a class we could live out God’s kingdom on earth by thinking about what we can do in the playground if we see someone who is sad,hurt or upset. They suggested that they could share their love, invite others to play, smile and show kindness to others.
In Year 5, In the initial discussion, the word Kingdom was explored in various contexts, ultimately leading to the religious interpretation. It was highlighted that Jesus consistently sought out those who had strayed from God, with the intent of guiding them back into the embrace of God’s love in God’s Kingdom. As Catholics, we are all considered as God’s children, a part of his spiritual ‘flock’. With this in mind the responsibility falls upon us to extend our empathy and support to those who may feel lost or disconnected from God’s kingdom. We then spoke about what this could look like. Offering forgiveness or creating an inclusive environment that fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance. Ultimately, our actions should reflect the unconditional love and compassion that Jesus showed in his mission to reach out to those in need of spiritual guidance.